Exon/Desilet Capture Gross Title, Davis/Crawford Dominate Net Scoring at Spring Triple Threat

Wichita, KS – Thirty-four teams competed in the Spring Triple Threat at Crestview Country Club’s South Course this morning. Teams played six holes of Four Ball, six holes of Chapman Alternate Shot, and six holes of Scramble.  The competition awards prizes for gross and net scoring in each of three flights as well as trophies for the Overall Gross Champions and Overall Net Champions.  Players also receive points in the KGA/KCGA Women’s Player of the Year series, which is being awarded for the first time this year.

Karen Exon of Topeka and Denise Desilet of Wichita were the Overall Gross Champions firing a three-under-par 69.  The cruised through the Four Ball portion of the event carding two birdies to only one bogey.  A solid +1 performance in the Chapman format kept the team going strong, but a -3 Scramble distanced the team from the field to claim the title.

Jan Davis and Barbara Crawford led all the way with stellar play in all three formats.  A -3 Four Ball to go with a -6 Chapman stretch and a -6 Scramble made the pair wire-to-wire leaders.  A net eagle on #13 along with birdies on both par 3s in the final holes made it difficult for the rest of the field to keep pace.

The next event in the Player of the Year Series is the Kansas Senior/Super Senior Championship at Wichita Country Club on June 19-20.  Entries close on June 12.

Click here for complete results of the Spring Triple Threat.

Registration Now Open for Web.Com Qualifier

On July 31, 2018, the Kansas City Golf Association will hold a qualifier for a Web.Com Tour event. The Kansas City Crusader Web.Com Qualifier will be held at Canyon Farms Golf Club and participants will be playing for two spots in the Web.Com event, the KC Golf Classic, formally known as the Digital Ally Golf Tournament. The KC Golf Classic will take place August 2nd through August 5th at the Nicklaus Golf Club at Lionsgate.

The cost for participation in the qualifier is $350.00 per player. $50 of that entry fee will go to the Kansas City Golf Association in support of our Youth on Course program. Registration will take place through Golf Genius and the deadline to enter for the qualifier is July 30th at 6:00 PM. Registration is open to anyone who wishes to participate.

To register for the Kansas City Crusader Web.Com Qualifier, please click here.

For more information on the KC Golf Classic, please see the PGA Tour’s website here.

Milburn CC Raises nearly $5,000 for Youth on Course

By Taylor Albritton, KCGA Intern

Saturday, April 28th, Milburn Country Club held their opening day tournament for the benefit of their members and to kick off the summer season. One member in particular, Dave Jackson, took the opportunity upon himself to raise awareness and money for the local Youth on Course program.

During the duration of the opening day tournament, Jackson perched himself on the #1 tee and passed out information packets as well as advocated for the importance of the Youth on Course program in Kansas City to Milburn members as they passed through. His persuasiveness paid off in a big way. In one day, Jackson and Milburn CC were able to raise nearly $5,00o from its members specifically for the Youth on Course program. On top of a successful donation of nearly $2,000 earlier in the year, Milburn CC has managed to raise almost $7,000 for Youth on Course in 2018 alone.

Despite being a private club and not being able to personally benefit from Youth on Course services, Milburn CC has done a great thing for its Kansas City community.

“It’s great to see private clubs embracing Youth on Course,” said Doug Habel, Executive Director of the Kansas City Golf Association.

“The success of Youth on Course will ensure the success and future of these private clubs for years to come. I hope the rest of the private clubs around Kansas City will also take opportunities such as this to help such an important program.”

Youth on Course is great program that supports local kids’ desire to play golf at an affordable and less competitive environment. In order to keep the game of golf relevant and important for many years to come, the youth movement must continue to grow. Please join us and the many other golf associations in supporting your local Youth on Course program.

A big thank you to Milburn Country Club for their amazing contribution!

Watson Challenge Press Conference

By Taylor Albritton, KCGA Intern

The 2018 Watson Challenge Press Conference was held this morning at Shadow Glen GC for the one and only Kansas City legend, Tom Watson. Past players and media personnel gathered at the prestigious club to hear Tom Watson discuss his favorite tournament held every year in Kansas City: The Watson Challenge. An esteem panel was invited to sit alongside Mr. Watson and answer questions from the media as well.

Pictured Left to Right: Travis Mays, Dave Resch, Doug Habel, Tom Watson, Robert Russell at the Watson Challenge Press Conference: April 26, 2018

Travis Mays, David Resch, Brigette Chirpich, Robert Russell, and Executive Director Doug Habel surrounded Tom Watson on the press conference panel. Opening remarks and thanks to Mr. Watson were given by each before the media got their turn with the man himself. The first topic of discussion was Mr. Watson’s recent trip to the Master’s which saw him win the Par 3 Championship and witness a Hole-In-One by Jack Nicklaus’s grandson.

One reporter asked if his success at the Par 3 gave Mr. Watson any desire to get back out and compete at the big stage at Augusta National.

“Not one ioata,” Mr Watson replied humbly. “You need a 280 yard carry [off the tee]”, Mr. Watson described what makes you successful at Augusta. “I wasn’t gonna get any longer, only shorter.”

Mr. Watson then went on to describe how he still loves to “throw down” at the Watson Challenge and how his competitive juices still flow til this day.

“I don’t play this golf tournament any different than I played my first golf tournament on the tour. I play this just like a regular tour event. I’m all in,” said Watson.

In his opening comments, Travis Mays described how honored he especially felt to be able to play in the Watson Challenge as many times as he has and how the Watson Challenge is by far the favorite golf event of his and many other amateur players’ seasons.

According to Watson, the objective of the Watson Challenge tournament is to create a competition opportunity for the best golfers in Kansas City. Watson of course hopes to come out on top this year and secure his title as the best golfer in Kansas City. He’ll have some stiff competition in the likes of Chase Hanna, Andy Spencer: defending Watson champion, Dave Resch, Travis Mays and many others.

The Kansas City Golf Association gets just as excited as the players for this event every year, and we hope to see many of our players and fans out there. It’s an event unlike any other and getting a chance to see the great players in Kansas City as well as Mr. Tom Watson in action is something you can’t miss. The 2018 Watson Challenge tournament will be held June 8-10 at Shadow Glen GC.

2018 Tomahawk Hills Invitational

Tomahawk Hills Women’s Golf Association 2018 Invitational

  • 18 Hole Ladies Invitational – 2 person scramble
  • Wednesday June 6, 2018
  • Enter by May 28, Limited to 50 teams
  • All skill levels are welcome! Event holes, prizes, raffles
  • 8:00 AM Shotgun start
  • $60 per person – includes greens fee, cart, mulligans, breakfast, lunch, participation gift, and cash prizes

Make checks payable to the THWGA and mail to:

Peggy MacKay; 4925 Widmer Rd. Shawnee, KS 66216

Call or email Peggy at Macpeg56@aol.com or (913)-631-1191

For registration form, click here: 2018 THWGA Application.


2018 KCGA Season is Officially Open!

The 2018 KCGA Season has officially begun!

As of 10 AM today, players are now eligible to register for any KCGA event, as well as post scores. Registration for KCGA events will be through Tournament Pairing Program (TPP), the same system used last year.

Click here to register!

To be eligible to register, players must have an active GHIN number. For StateLine Amateur Tour and Kansas City Junior Tour, players must also be a registered member of the league before signing up for individual events.

If you have any questions or issues feel free to email the KCGA staff or give us a call at (913)-649-5242 ext 0.

KWGA Memorial Scholarship Applications Now Open

The Kansas Women’s Golf Association Memorial Scholarship was established January 1, 2018 to commemorate and continue the KWGA Scholarship. This scholarship awarded college/university scholarships from 1991 through 2017. The KWGA Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to one or more Kansas high school seniors or graduates of a Kansas high school who are enrolled as a full-time student of an accredited college or university.

Applications for the KWGA Memorial Scholarship are now open! All applications/supporting materials become the property of the KWGA Memorial Scholarship Committee and MUST BE postmarked on or before March 30, 2018 and mailed by U.S. Mail to:

Karen Exon, Committee Chair, KWGA Memorial Scholarship
2310 SW Mayfair Place
Topeka, KS 66611
Phone – 785.633.2723
Email – karenexon01@gmail.com

Please see the following link for more detailed information such as eligibility and requirements for applications:

KWGA Memorial Scholarship

KCGA/KGA Announce Women’s Player of the Year Awards Beginning in 2018

The Kansas City Golf Association and the Kansas Golf Association have announced a joint effort to present Women’s Player of the Year Awards beginning in 2018.  Three new awards will be presented based on performance in KCGA and KGA women’s competitions throughout the year – Women’s Player of the Year, Senior Women’s Player of the Year, and Junior Girls’ Player of the Year.  Points will be earned for the awards in KCGA Regional Championships, KGA State Championships, KCGA StateLine Amateur Tour, KGA Mid-Am/Senior Series, KCGA Junior Tour, KJGA Junior Tour, and USGA qualifiers/championships.

The best eight totals for each player will be counted toward the player of the year award.  With the collaboration of the KCGA and KGA to create these awards, there will be more than 30 competitions available in each award category.  Points will be awarded for both individual and team events.

The Women’s Player of the Year Award will be presented at the awards luncheon of either the 2019 Kansas Women’s Amateur or The Prairie Invitational.  The Senior Women’s Player of the Year Award will be presented at the 2019 Kansas Women’s Senior/Super Senior awards luncheon.  The Junior Girls’ Player of the Year Award will be presented at the 2019 Kansas Junior Amateur Championship if the winner is still eligible to compete, or at the Kansas Women’s Amateur/The Prairie Invitational if the winner is no longer a junior golfer.

Standings will be updated on both the KGA and KCGA websites at the completion of each event.  We look forward to identifying three deserving recipients over the course of this season.

Click Here For Details of the Points System

Click Here for Point Tables

Your KCGA Membership Now Includes Eligibility for Kansas Golf Association Men’s/Women’s Championships

As we wind down a great 2017 season, we would like to make you aware of some changes you will be seeing to your GHIN Handicap service in the coming weeks and months.  These steps are the first of some very exciting advancements to handicapping that will take place over the next three seasons.  Your handicap service will continue as it always has, but it will look a little different.  As a part of the USGA’s plan to streamline its operations for golfers and clubs, GHIN services will be strategically placed with the Kansas City Golf Association for all clubs in the Kansas City Metro and the state of Kansas.

What changes will golfers see?

Current KCGA members will see no changes.  Handicap services will continue uninterrupted, and you will continue to receive GHIN update newsletters on the 1st and 15th of each month.  For current KGA/KWGA members, these newsletters, along with your mobile app and kiosk will look a little different with the KCGA logo starting on December 1, 2017.  Your handicap index is still issued by your home or online club and handicap committee, and they will be your first point of contact when you have questions regarding your handicap index.

What does this mean for golfers?

  • All golfers will now be members of both the Kansas Golf Association and the Kansas City Golf Association.
  • All golfers will be eligible to compete in tournaments conducted by both the Kansas Golf Association and the Kansas City Golf Association as well as the USGA.
  • For current KWGA members, handicap fees will be paid through your club staff or handicap chairperson if you are a club/facility member or through eClubhouse; no more women’s club dues or individual membership dues – one-stop shopping.
  • No need to have separate handicap chairs for men and women – one committee for each club or facility will oversee handicaps for men, women, and junior golfers.
  • Your newsletter will now have news, information, championship registration, and tournament results for all of Kansas and the KC Metro.

What does this mean for my golf club?

  • Billing will be consolidated so that each facility receives only one bill for men, women, and juniors.
  • All service for handicaps and other related items will be handled in one office – no need for them to call someone different for men’s handicaps and women’s handicaps.
  • Course rating will be consolidated so that teams rate golf courses for men and women at the same time – changes are easier to present to members/patrons and keep current on scorecards and other printed materials.

What does this mean for the KGA/KWGA?

You have probably received communication regarding the recently approved KGA/KWGA merger to be effective on January 1, 2018.  The newly-merged Kansas Golf Association will continue to provide excellent championships, junior golf programs, and other services for all golfers in the state of Kansas.  If your club had been receiving handicap services from the KGA or KWGA previously, your handicap fees will still support the Kansas Golf Association in the same manner as in prior years.


The staffs of both the Kansas Golf Association and the Kansas City Golf Association look forward to working together to serve golfers and promote golf in Kansas and Kansas City going forward.

Please contact Jacque Madison at the Kansas City Golf Association with any questions you may have regarding handicap service. (913)649-5242, x2 or jacque@kcgolf.org