Junior Tour Information

Staff Contact – Taylor Maloney – taylor@clgolf.org – (785).813.9286
For detailed Junior Tour information, please read here.

Central Links Golf currently offers two junior tours: Kansas City Junior Tour and Kansas Junior Tour. To be a member of the Kansas City Junior Tour or Kansas Junior Tour, a golfer must be 19 years old or younger and have not started their fall semester of freshman year in college. Juniors are eligible to play junior tour the summer after they graduate high school.

A junior golfer must have an active GHIN number with a Central Links Golf member club. Players can obtain a GHIN number through the pro shop of their local golf course or can register with an online eClub here. After getting an active GHIN number, players must register for a junior tour membership program. We have three options: KC Junior Tour, KS Junior Tour and All Inclusive (Both Tours). To purchase a membership for junior tour, please click here.

Players can sign up for the following divisions for a junior tour tournament:

Open: Most competitive division with no age restrictions; playing from a yardage closer to a multi-day Junior Championship
Boys Yardage: the farthest back tee set, aim to play from at least 6600-7000 yards if available
Girls Yardage: playing from at least 5500-5800 yards

16 & Older: For players aged 16 to 19 years old wanting to compete against their same aged players.
Boys Yardage: 6200 to 6600 yards
Girls Yardage: 5000 to 5400 yards

13-15: For players aged 13 to 15 years old wanting to compete against their same aged players.
Boys Yardage: 5900-6200 yards
Girls Yardage: 4700-5000 yards

Prep: For players aged 12 and under. Boys and Girls play in the same division, but try to pair girls together in the same group.
Approximate yardage: 2000 to 2400 yards

No caddies are allowed for junior tour events. Parents/spectators may help look for lost balls, but will need to stay on the cart path otherwise. We ask parents keep talking to a minimum and no advice or carrying of equipment. Parents may hand out snacks/water and give encouragement, but interaction needs to be limited and not delay play – Code of Conduct policy.

2025 Kansas City Junior Tour Schedule

2025 Kansas Junior Tour Schedule

*Notah Begay III Junior Championship Local Qualifier

Tour Championship
Tallgrass Country Club, Wichita – July 21 & 22
>Qualification Event